LDA 2016

Workshop on Legal Data Analysis

The Workshop on Legal Data Analysis of the Central European Institute of Legal Informatics (CEILI) intends to focus on representation, analysis and reasoning with legal data in information systems from a lawyer’s and citizen’s perspective; trying to get support in mastering big data in law but also respecting privacy issues.

The pervasive use of information systems has led to tremendous success in enterprises and businesses. With a user-centric design, information systems (IS) have proven their value in today’s companies on several occasions. This especially holds for time-, data-, and knowledge-intensive tasks, which most of the tasks in legal science and legal practice are. Most recent developments have unveiled unexpected possibilities in overcoming the retrieval constraints of access to legal knowledge. Pre-defined formal models of legal knowledge and semantic documents allow semantics of textual and structural information with tools of Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Network Analysis, Information Retrieval and additional analysis and measurements. The user perspective is fundamental during the planning, design, implementation and maintenance. This workshop particularly encourages submissions describing concrete user problems, needs and concerns in the context of legal data and legal analysis.

Deadline extended: 15 November 2016.

More information on the workshop website: