
 Early registration (before November 24th)Late registration (after November 24th)
Student*100 EUR150 EUR
University/public administration*250 EUR300 EUR
Commercial*350 EUR400 EUR
1-day workshop75 EUR125 EUR
Dinner60 EUR80 EUR

* The fees include only the registration to the main conference. Workshops are not included.

Instructions for the registration

The registration follows a 3 steps hand-shake protocol:

  • Fill the pre-registration form with personal information (no payment at this point)
  • Wait for the confirmation email (this may take a few days, validation is done manually)
  • Follow the link given in confirmation e-mail to complete your registration.

To register, please go to the registration page.
Please enter the name of an administrative contact person of your organization in the “Contact Name” field, or your name, if you are the person to contact for administrative matters.

Please note: for the early registration fee eligibility, the date of the payment is considered (not the pre-registration date).